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Home News The 6 Most Astonishing Sudano-Sahelian Mosques in Africa!

The 6 Most Astonishing Sudano-Sahelian Mosques in Africa!

Rida Ghaffar  .  Wednesday February 06, 2019
 . Knowledge

Ever wondered about the most attractive yet unique structures of Masjids lying across different parts of the world. This article is going to enhance your knowledge and make you witness the visuals you might never have come across! Find out about the six most renowned mosques and get amazed.

The Sudano-Sahelian architecture style is known for being simple yet highly beautiful. This kind of architecture is a mixture of different kinds of indigenous African styles. The buildings are typically built with mud bricks and adobe plaster. As the surroundings are flat; the buildings, mosques, residential houses and youth houses, catch the eye immediately. The bewitching visuals of these mosques are truly mesmerizing!

Below are a few of the stunning mosques that were built in the typical Sudano-Sahelian style.

1. The Great Mosque of Djenné, Mali

This building in Mali is considered as one of the most famous landmarks in the African region. An annual festival is held, with lots of food and music, at the Great Mosque and helps bring the community together. This opportunity is used in order to repair the damages inflicted on the mosque because of the high temperatures there.

2. Larabanga Mosque, the oldest Mosque in Ghana

This beautiful Larabanga Masjid in Ghana is one of the oldest mosques (around 700 years old) in West Africa and is referred to as the ‘Mecca of West Africa”. There is some history affiliated and it’s totally intriguing.

3. The Agadez Mosque, Niger

The tall tower of the Agadez mosque served as a watchtower. This was because the city was a fortified city in the past so it had to be able to stand against the siege.

4. Bobo Dioulasso Grand Mosque, Burkina Faso

This mosque was built in the end of the 19th century as a result of a political deal between the local king and an Islamic religious leader.

5. The Grand Mosque in Bani, Burkina Faso

The beautiful mosque of Bani is situated in a small desert village and is the country’s most important Islamic site.

6. Sankore Mosque, Timbuktu

The mosque in Timbuktu forms, together with two other mosques, became a university that was very important during Islamic history and became of great significance under the reign of Mansa Musa, also known as ‘the richest man in the history’.

So, if you’re paying Africa a visit, be sure to check some if not all of these mosques. The exploration will surely expose you to the surreal visuals not worth missing. Let others know so they are also astonished the way just as you might have been by looking at this kind of architecture in Africa. Let’s thank Allah (SWT) and make dua to visit such places one day.

Source: Mvslim

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