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How to Be Grateful for Everything In Life?

IslamicFinder  .  Friday September 16, 2022
 . Knowledge

Allah Subhanahu wa Ta’ala says in the Qur’an:

“So remember Me; I will remember you. And be grateful to Me and do not deny Me.” – (Al-Baraqah: 152)

Unfortunately, we often disregard saying “Alhamdulillah” and thanking Allah for all He has blessed us with, forgetting that this small act of worship is worth more than we think.

It is true that whoever thanks Allah SWT for each and everything, He blesses that person with barakah and even more bounties in life. After all, it is only by His Mercy that we all get to be where we stand today.

That said, there are multiple ways we can thank Allah SWT for everything He has given us in this life and for what He has saved for His faithful servants in the afterlife. Some of these simple Ibadahs include: 

1- Learning Duas

Learn short duas that are meant to be recited in different situations (i.e. when leaving home, during traveling, before eating food, etc.). Make these duas a part of your lifestyle. 

By doing this, you show your gratitude to Allah SWT while including Him in everything you do.

2- Observing Nafl Rakats

Another way of thanking Allah is to observe 2 to 4 Rakat Nafl everyday whenever you get the chance. Offering Nafl after Isha prayer may be the best time since most people are done for the day by that time.

3- Reading the Book of Allah SWT

Also, recite the Holy Qur’an daily since it is one of the most beloved deeds to Allah SWT. On days when your schedule is packed, try to read at least one verse, if not more. It’s your effort and gratefulness to Allah that matters to Him the most.

4- Saying “Alhamdulillah” 

Saying “Alhamdulillah” is often neglected when it comes to showing how thankful you are to the Almighty. 

You don’t know what troubles Allah SWT saves you from everyday that you may not even be aware of, so count your blessings and be grateful to Him every chance you get.

5- Conversing With Allah SWT

Always end your day on a positive note by talking to Allah, making duas, and thanking Him for each blessing before closing your eyes for the night.

Indeed, Allah SWT is the one to bestow His blessings upon us and lead us to Paradise with His ultimate guidance.

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